Monday, 7 January 2008

Your input is needed! has been live for a few weeks now, and the response from users has been excellent. The only gripe I have been informed of is that some users are having difficulties logging in. Well, there's an easy way around that. Just give our technical helpdesk a call on 0845 370 1234 and they should be able to solve the problem.

On another note, I have noticed that users are taking full advantage of our Q&A section on the site. It is great that members are posting questions, however, in order for this to be a successful feature of the site and for users to get the most from it, we need you to post answers! So if you have experience or knowledge on a particular subject that a user needs help with, this is your opportunity to use that knowledge to assist your fellow professionals.

We don't want the information on the site to be one-way. Remember, registered users can comment on any piece on the site, and read the comments of other members. So, if you agree or disagree with the opinions expressed, or if you want to share some hot tips and advice, you can express your views at the touch of a button. So please do!

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