February's issue of HSW magazine includes a super article on the best guesses of some of the most senior figures in health and safety - including the HSE's chief executive and experts at the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), the Trades Union Congress (TUC) and the EEF manufacturers' organisation - of what will be the pressing issues this year. (Read the article by clicking here)
This got me thinking. It's great to hear what industry leaders think about the coming year; it's very interesting and gives food for thought. But being the Community Editor of HealthandSafetyProfessional.co.uk, I am much more interested to hear what our readers think. So hear is your chance to come up with even better ideas - what's in store for 2008?
Legislation this year will be quite sparce - although the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act is sure to be of interest to 99% of health and safety professionals. But is there anything else you think will have a big affect on how we work? Share your thought with your peers by visiting our discussion forum.