Well, Christmas is over and done with - I have even taken down my tree (I like to be organised). At this time of year I often think of all the effort we go to, the stress we put ourselves under, and it's all over in a flash!
I haven't posted for a couple of weeks owing to the fact that I decided to try and forget all about work over the festive period and relax. Work-life balance and all that. But I'm back and will be posting regularly - it's one of my resolutions.
Today saw the return of millions to the workplace - minus, of course, the ones who decided to pull a sickie. Apparently, today is the most popular date in the calendar to call in sick - a staggering five million do so! I made it in, just about.
Thanks to everyone who sent me letters over the festive break ... come back for an article on your opinions on health and safety in the police force tomorrow.
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