Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Time to give high heels the boot?

Few women can resist the allure of a pair of high heels - however, the appeal appears to be lost on delegates at the Trades Union Congress, who demanded yesterday that employers take a stand against the risks of wearing high heels in the workplace.

What do you think? Are they to blame for the two million working days lost each year to lower limb disorders?

Should women who work in the retail or airline profession be allowed to wear "sensible" shoes to work and not be forced into high heels by companies' uniform policies?

Post your comments here.

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Sign our petition

In early 2010 the Health and Safety Executive's board has to decide whether or not to ask the government to create a legal duty on directors of companies and other organisations to protect the health and safety of their employees.

At present, directors' only health and safety duties in law are expressed as sanctions for criminal failure to prevent accidents or ill health.

HSW magazine and Health and Safety Bulletin believe that a positive duty would encourage senior executives to give safety a higher priority along with their financial responsibilities and raise safety standards in UK workplaces.

This belief was supported by the Parliamentary Select Committee on Work and Pensions in its 2008 report on the role of the Health and Safety Commission and Health and Safety Executive in regulating workplace health and safety and in Rita Donaghy's recent government-funded inquiry into deaths on construction sites.

We call on the HSE board to recommend the government introduces a statutory duty on directors to take all reasonable steps to ensure the health and safety of their organisations' workers.

Sign the petition here.