Wednesday, 22 April 2009

HSE to publish names of those killed at work - a wise idea?

Following a ruling by the Information Commissioner last year, the HSE has announced that it will publish the names of people killed in workplace accidents on its website (read our news story here).

Do you think it is a wise idea? HSP user Judy Joinston is in two minds about this. "Whilst, yes, reading the names, ages and circumstances of their deaths makes you think, but what about Data Protection? I'd feel dreadful if my loved one died at work (obviously), even more so if I found their name on a public web site without my permission. I pray I'm never in the situation, but if I am, I'll be challenging anyone who puts their name on this web-site, unless I've specifically agreed to it..."

Do you agree with Judy? Add your comments here.

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Just how painful is this recession?

The recession will not lead to a reduction in investment in health and safety for companies, according to health and safety minister Lord McKenzie of Luton.

Speaking at last month's IOSH conference, he explained that the current economic situation would mean "testing" times ahead, but there would be no let up of "duties around health and safety".

Has your health and safety role changed due to the current economic climate? Have there been redundancies within your department? We want to hear how the recession is affecting industry. Add your comments here.